Ḥadīth check: Remembrance at the Beginning of the Year or Month | Shaykh Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī

On the authority of ʿAbdullāh bin Hishām -may Allāh be pleased with him-: The companions of the Prophet ﷺ used to learn this Duʿāʾ when a new year or month entered upon them:

“O Allāh, make this month for us a month of security, faith, safety and Islam, and of protection from the Shayṭān, and of attaining the good pleasure of ar-Raḥmān.”

Ḥadīth Ṣaḥīḥ; Narrated by al-Baghawī in Muʿjam aṣ-Ṣaḥābah (3/543)

He said: Ibrāhīm bin Hāniʾ told me, from Asbagh who told us: Ibn Wahb told me, from Ḥaywah bin Shurayḥ, from Abū ʿAqīl -Zuhrah bin Maʿbad-, on the authority of his grandfather, ʿAbdullāh bin Hishām (may Allāh be pleased with him) with it (i.e. the Ḥadīth)

[Narrators in the Chain]

Al-Ḥāfidh (ibn Ḥajr) in the biography of ʿAbdullāh bin Hishām bin Zuhrah in ‘Al-Iṣābah’ said: “He and his father are companions; his grandson, Abū ʿAqīl Zuhrah bin Maʿbad, narrated from him, and he mentioned this Ḥadīth of his, and said: This is Mawqūf upon the conditions of aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥ (of Imām Al-Bukhārī).”-end of quote-

I said (Shaykh Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī): The men of this chain of narration are trustworthy.

Ibrāhīm bin Hāniʾ:

  • Trustworthy, his biography is listed in ‘Al-Jarḥ wa at-Taʿdīl’ (2/144),
  • Ibn Abī Ḥātim said: Thiqqah (Trustworthy) Ṣadūq (Honest)
  • Al-Ḥākim said: Thiqqah Maʾmūn (Reliable)
  • Adh-Dhahabī said in ‘As-Sayr’ no.10: Al-Ḥāfidh Al-Imām al-Qudwah al-ʿĀbid (The Preserver, the Leader, the Example, the Worshipper)
  • Ad-Dāraquṭnī said: Thiqqah Fāḍil (Virtuous)

Asbagh: He is Ibn al-Farj, trustworthy, Al-Bukhārī and others have reported from him

Abū ʿAqīl: Zuhrah bin Maʿbad bin ʿAbdullāh bin Hishām is trustworthy. Narration of Ḥaywah through him and his grandfather’s narration through him is in Al-Bukhārī, as attributed in his biography from ‘Tahdhīb al-Kamāl’

[Other Paths & Narrations]

  • It has another path (of narration) in al-Muʿjam (al-Awsaṭ) by Aṭ-Ṭabarānī (1241), it has Rishdīn bin Saʿad, (who is) weak but is suitable for corroborating narrations
  • And another with Al-Aṣbahānī in ‘At-Targhīb wat-Tarhīb’ (1290), it has Ibn Lahīʿah
  • And in this chapter is a weak Ḥadīth of Ṭalḥah bin ʿUbaidullāh -May Allāh be pleased with him- reported:

At the sight of the new moon (of the lunar month), the Prophet (ﷺ) used to say, 

Allāhumma ahillahu ʿalaynā bil-amni wal-īmān, was-salāmati wal-Islām, Rabbī wa RabbukAllāh (O Allāh, let this moon appear on us with security and Īmān; with safety and Islām. (O moon!) Our Rabb and your Rabb is Allāh).❞

Reported by At-Tirmidhī (3451), Ahmad (1397), Ibn as-Sunni (641),  and Aṭ-Ṭabarānī in ‘ad-Dua” 904
  • And another weak (narration) transmitted via Ibn ʿUmar -may Allah be pleased with them both- similar to it reported by Ad-Dārimī (1687), and Ibn Ḥibbān (888) and other than them.

Source: Pg. 311, Selection of The Most Important Remembrances, Second Edition (الإختيار لأهم صحاح الأذكار)

Authored by: Ash-Shaykh Al-ʿAllāmah Muḥaddith: Abu ʿAbdir-Rahman Yaḥyā bin ʿAlī al-Ḥajūrī al-Yamānī -may Allāh preserve him-

Translated by: Abū Āsiyah Muzaffar -may Allāh forgive him, his parents, his mashayikh, his family and all the Muslims-